Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 13: Assume Goodness

Today's challenge is to assume goodness in people. I don't really know how to do that in a blog post, or really out in the world because I spend time around people I know are good. But I guess there have been a few things lately that have irritated me about people, and I could probably stand to make a more concerted effort to say to myself, "okay, X is annoying about this person, but why are they this way?" By asking myself this question, I'm better able to put things in perspective and can move past my feelings of resent and onto patience and understanding. So now that I have gotten those feelings out, hopefully I can do this more often!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 12: Glass Half Full

Okay, okay, I've been bad. I haven't kept up consecutive days with this (it's really difficult to do on the weekends, when I don't want to be anywhere near a computer!) So shame on me for being bad, but I'm going to just pick up where I left off. I know it kind of negates the purpose of the challenge, but I'm sure it's better than nothing. I'm going to try my darndest to be better!

Today's challenge is to see the glass half full. Funny, because last night I was watching an episode of Private Practice where they were speaking about this very thing! The past few days have been quite rough on me, as I've had some big decisions to make and had to do a lot of "soul searching." Today, I'm feeling much better than I have been lately - both physically and emotionally. Today is gloomy, but it isn't raining like it has been for what seems like forever -yeah! Today I'm excited to hit the gym after work to let loose of some pent up stress and get back into my old routine. Already I'm feeling more optimistic about the choices I've made and the path I'm on, even though I'm still sad about certain things. These internal struggles are trying, but are good reminders that I'm happy and fortunate for so many things. Deep breaths...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 11: Child's Eyes

Today's challenge is to see the world through the eyes of a child. Since I don't have one of those, I'm going to do an interpretation of things around me and the childlike joy or emotions I feel when seeing them.

fall leaves :: crunchy leaf pile
couch :: cushion fortress
trees :: treehouse, best branches for climbing
cup :: cold milk
coworkers :: playmates
magazines :: collages
stuffy nose :: sick days home with mom, chicken soup
school bus :: nostalgia, recess

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 10: Senses

Today's challenge is to be grateful for one of your senses. Normally, I would be inclined to say my sense of smell because it so closely ties to memory. While I am incredibly grateful for all my senses, I am very grateful for sight. I'm a very visual person and love to see and experience all the things my world has to offer. I'm especially grateful for sight around this time of year when the Fall season lights the trees on fire and the vibrant hues blanket the town. Ahhh...makes me want some cider!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 9: People Around You

Today's challenge is to enjoy the people around me. Not hard to do considering I work in an office where everyone is young and fun (think majority under the age of 26 here). I enjoy being able to come in every day and talk, laugh, confide in and lunch with my co-workers. There is a great, carefree and collaborative dynamic between us. We work hard but are constantly laughing, taking jabs at one another or sharing stories. Proof that sometimes it's not what but WHO that makes a difference!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 8: Thank You Notes

Okay, I goofed. I didn't keep up with the challenge for a few days, but I do have a valid reason. I was in Colorado to celebrate my mom's birthday and see friends (which I'm very grateful I had the opportunity to do!) So I'm just going to interrupt this programming and start on day 8 where I left off. Tonight, I will write thank you notes to 5 friends. It works out perfectly because I have to go to the post office tonight anyway to buy stamps! And I will get to use my cute notecards - bonus!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 7: Photo

I took this photo this weekend at Eckert's Farm in Millstadt, IL. Looking at it makes me grateful for many things - life, friends, laughter, food, happiness, sunshine, blue skies, nature, growth.